What Pokemon is the weirdest?
I haven't been here for a while since I havent been on my computer(kind of maybe forgot my password too), but now I'm back, and I got a question: What is the absolute weirdest Pokemon? It can be lore-wise, looks wise, or anything else you can think of. I was GOING to say Mr.Mime, but… how does Palafin transform if it's…
Z-A Theory: Calyrex's lost Horse?
If you played the Crown Tundra, you are aware of Glastrier and Spectrier, the two steeds of Calyrex. When Calyrex rides one of them, his Grass type is replaced with the type the steed has. But in the past, it was never mentioned that he was riding specifically one of the two horses. Glastrier is a frozen horse corpse, and…
How can you get the shiny charm in ORAS without the DS and GBA games?
I was looking at the pre-req's for the shiny charm and it says it needs a (mostly) complete national dex. How would I go about it without the DS and GBA titles (jonto, sinnoh, and unova)?
What do you guys feel about legends ZA
When will Pokémon Legends Z-A take place?
I thought about redoing this poll, and in what era do you think Pokémon Legends Z-A will be set?
Who is the best starter Pokémon in the origional games?
The games are Red Green and Blue, Yellow doesn't count because you start with pikachu instead of the normal starters.
Pokémon Sleep New Area
I'm really excited about the new Pokémon Sleep area, which is more of an abandoned city-like area, and we will have new Pokémon in Pokémon Sleep, Pokémon like Shinx, Grubim and Aron, I'm very happy, especially because I love Shinx
Legends Z-A, A isn't A, but Alpha?!!
Think of the generations of our people. Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z. But what was the newest? You guessed it. Gen Alpha. So the title isn't Z to A. It's Z to Alpha! So no matter what the Grass type Legendary will be, it's 100% guaranteed it will have Alpha in its name. And maybe it will be having a Mega Evolution, too. And…
Which one of these Pokémon is the best 3
Pokémon Starters Johto