Mystery dungeon story poll
I want to know what mystery dungeon character from my story you think is the best
should we do a forum gym challenge thing
where each member has a team and they each make a spot for each position in the gym challenge like gym leaders and the elite 4 if you want to join comment which position you want also no repeat type 1st gym (2 pokemon) 2nd gym (2 pokemon) 3rd gym (3 pokemon) 4th gym (3 pokemon) 5th gym (3 pokemon) 6th gym (4 pokemon) 7th…
Which sceneries and locations do you like?
All about places and backgrounds in the Pokemon world, ranging from meadows to forests, towns, cities, caves, beaches, factories…and even the Gyms and Pokemon Leagues. There's a lot of them. I especially like beaches and oceans in the Pokemon world (like the ones in XY and Pokken), as that's very nice and beautiful, and…
What are your favorite fossil Pokémon?
O My favorite fossil Pokémon are: Cranidos, Amaura and Aurorus(the most special fossil Pokémon for me, I love Amaura and Aurorus) and Dracovish
What's your favorite Pokémon Generation?
Mine is Generation 5, (Black/White, Unova) because that's the gen I first grew up with! But I also really enjoy Generation 7 (Sun/Moon, Alola) and within that generation was the first time I've ever beaten a Pokémon game. >:3 Therefore, what's yours?
Mystery Dungeon Story Part 11 (non cannon)
Chapter 11 - Uxie's decision "Oh must be so shocking that she didn't tell you her name, when she considers you guys friends." "Uxie that was rude please don't do that again, we've only come to ask you about the disappearances & how to stop them." "I know you say that, but I know your true intention you want to find your…
How do I complete hazy path in gates to infinity
I keep losing to scraggy and gurdurr
Out of these pokemon, who is the best?
Why do people like infinite fusion?
It has bad audio quality, clunky controls (with keyboard) and weird pokemon.
Guess the pokemon by only knowing the first four letters of it's name! (Meme edition)
The first four letters are IRON.