Fixing and expanding the Pokédex
The Pokédex originally expanded the lore because of limitations in the hardware. Legends Arceus was the first game to expand on the Pokédex's functionality, but its research tasks are somewhat arbitrary. Here's my thoughts on a great Pokédex system: Pokémon should display behaviors, which are then catalogued in the…
evil team bracket round 2 #3
is poison heal an ethical ability
do you guys think it is ok to leave your pokemon poisoned if its supposed to heal them would you judge someone for poisoning a pokemon if they said it had poison heal should pokemon centers have the option to poison your pokemon if they have poison heal food for thought
How do you think hospitals work in the Pokémon world?
I randomly thought of the fact that you can get your Pokémon healed up and have any problems like poison, burning, paralysis, etc. cured, all for free in a Pokémon Center (unless you're in Po Town, where it's for 10 Poké, which is so cheap that a bottle of fresh water from a vending machine is more expensive). Multiple…
PKMN Legends: Z-A Official Starter Discussion
Who do you think our Grass Starter will be? Who do you think our Fire Starter will be? Who do you think our Water Starter will be? Is there a chance we could get a non-traditional Starter, like Eevee? Who was your Starter in X & Y?
Is this a Softlock?
So in Pokémon GSC there’s this item you get to wake up snorlax called the Expn Card used to tune the radio but on my save if the item goes in the key items slot then I don’t have it and I did talk to the guy in the Kanto radio tower and I think I did pretty much did everything up to that point so is this a softlock or is…
Pokémon: If Poké Dex Entries were Funny: Dusknoir
Shield: With the mouth on its belly, Dusknoir swallows its target whole. The soul is the only thing eaten --- Dusknoir disgorges the body before departing. Meme version: Dusknoir: Meets Sobble Sobble: Hello! Dusknoir: Eats Sobble Dusknoir: chomp chomp chomp GULP BLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH vomits Sobble Dusknoir:…
Evil team bracket round 2 #2
What Pokemon is 183
was it right for lance to use hyper beam on people
in the johto games lance has his dragonite casually hyper beam a guy pokemon masters would later imply the npc was just a hired security guard for the store and not a team rocket member himself and masters would continue to show lance hyper beaming random people is lance going too far with nobody questioning his methods?