Fighting type vs. Dragon type?
I know, it isn't true, but just think of it - what would it be like if Fighting type was super effective against Dragon? I had that idea myself lately, although I also wonder, is there not a particular move or ability somewhere in Pokemon that makes Fighting type moves super effective on Dragon type Pokemon, because of the…
Theory: Pokemon Sun and Rainbow?!
We are going back to 2016. Sun and Moon were just released. You decided to pick Sun. After playing a while in the game you came with the thought that Pokémon Moon is really weird in this situation. It goes about light, isn’t it? Isn’t Ultra Necrozma also related to “The Blinding One”? Well, it all goes about light. But…
Official Nintendo Joy-Cons are too expensive
Why does Nintendo charge such an obscene price for official Joy-Cons? They are a billionaire company, they could give everyone an affordable price for Joy-Cons but they're charging more than they're worth out of greed. And unofficial ones tend to barely work. It's like Nintendo is blackmailing their customers for money
How is this possible???
I somehow got Bede to send out her hatenna second instead of last like she normally does in the Galar mine. Here's what happened fully I found Bede in Galar mine1 and one shot her solosis with my zigzagoon and she sent out her hatenna after instead of gotherita and she sent out gothorita last like how is that possible
Favorite Pokemon Themes?
mines are Loyal Three, Lillie and Lake Trio. Loyal Three is SO. HYPE.
Anybody see the rise of e10 and t games for Pokemon?
I looked up on reddit on the possibility of a rise of Rated e10 and T games for Pokemon. And given present circumstance, I honestly don't know what to think anymore.
How would you rank the regions?
i would rank them as this: Alola Sinnoh Galar Kalos Paldea Johto Kanto Hoenn Unova This is NOT based on the games, Ash team, series etc… it is especially based kn the region itself, the legendary pokemon, the characters…
Gen 10 - Ball capsules and contests
Am I the only one who feels like contests should be standard for pokemon games, as well as ball capsules?
How to play a game
Theory: The Galarian Legendary Birds aren't Actually Regional Forms
Earlier today, I was messing around with the Legendary Birds using the Synchro Machine, and a thought popped into my head. What if the Galarian Legendary Birds were actually separate species? It may seem a little bit odd at first, but hear me out: They don't have very much in common They do have similar appearances, and…