Correct pronunciation
Is arceus pronounced Arseeus or Arkeeus In the anime, every time they say arceus, they say it like Arkeeus, so I am going to have to go with that one
mystery dungeon story part 15
chapter 15 - Where There Is Hope And Heartbreak Leo finally fell to the bottom of the falls he knew he didn't have much time left. Leo got up from the ground, then he immediately tripped. He then remembered why this was the case, he was pushed into the evolution light and was forced to evolve. He then realized this was not…
What features do you want to add to, well… any of the games?
I want to know what everyone thinks. I really don’t have any suggestions though…
Official Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trading Discussion
I have a shiny charizard and greninja if anyone wants. Other shiny's too.
Which purple Pokémon are doing well competitive?
Currently I want to make a team with only purple Pokémon (either the normal or shiny Pokémon.) But, I can't seem to find a good site where you can use the color for a condition to build a team. Currently I've got four Pokémon and I want to add two more, but I just don't know which one. I'm hoping to get some suggestions…
Mystery Dungeon Story part 13
Chapter 13 - The Broken World Team Hopefinders heard a sound in the distance, knowing that Cutiefly might still be chasing after them, knew there only way out was to go into the mystery dungeon. As team Hopefinders entered the dungeon, Mirage noticed Lilly was still looking somber, no where near her usual cheery energetic…
mystery dungeon part 11 (Draft 3) true cannon version
Chapter 11- Uxie's Final Direction Leo and Mirage were still in great shock that Growlithe's real name was Lilly. "Oh, about that…, I know that Lilly doesn't really like to be called her real name, though I knew that if I didn't say her name, this world would become like many others. I am preparing you three for a journey…
Mystery Dungeon Story Part 9.5
Chapter 9.5 - The Lake Trio Meeting "We have gathered here today to discuss a major problem at hand." "Uxe what is it this time. Last time we had a meeting the world was in danger." "Be calm Azul, yes the world is in danger again, yet I am conflicted in a decision." "It has to do with that human and Hisuin Zorua, doesn't…
Mystery Dungeon Story Part 9
Chapter 9- A Tropical Encounter Team Hopefinder continues their way to Memory Lake on their quest to find the legendary pokemon Uxie. "I have a question for you Mirage. How difficult is Memory Lake?" Leo was wondering since their last battle they had with Pecharunt left them pretty bruised up. "Trust me, we're almost…
Mystery Dugeon Story Part 7
Chapter 7- It Was Pecharunt?! "Can I please please please join your rescue team?" Growlithed begged for she knew she could trust Leo and Mirage to be true friends. "Well you did save my life" Leo said. Leo, Growlithe, and Mirage head back to the Expedition Headquarters first to report back to Clodsire and secondly to get…