Which generation has the best games?

Which generation has the best games? 13 votes
Other (Legends, Ranger, Mystery Dungeon)
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X & Y
I find XY and ORAS being peak quality Pokemon Games along with Sun and Moon series.
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Black, White, Black V2, White V2
Generation 5, easily.
Gen 4 looks a lot better when you include HGSS and the DS era was the peak of the franchise, but judging based purely on the core games of each generation, gen 5 is the obvious choice.
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Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire
Gens 3, 4, and 5 are my favorites, but I personally really love Gen 3, as it was the first game I beat, and the starters are amazing,the gyms are fun, the map is really nice, it's just such a good game in my opinion
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Black, White, Black V2, White V2
Out of interest, has everyone voting in this poll actually played all the games?
If not, how can you fairly assess which one is the best?
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Other (Legends, Ranger, Mystery Dungeon)
I have been trying to play most pokemon games, so far I have played let's go eevee, shield, violet, shining pearl, legends arceus, omega ruby, x, ultra moon, white, detective pikachu returns, new pokemon snap, mystery dungeon rescue team dx, super mystery dungeon, mystery dungeon gates to infinity, mystery dungeon explorers of darkness, pokken tournement, and pokemon ranger. the only region i have not played a game from is the johto region.
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X & Y
I think for what it is Gen 6 is truly is a great generation, although Legends Arceus is a very notable exception that would be top tier if not for it's Halo 5-esque ending paired with credit roll (being incredibly anticlimactic).