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What are your favourite theories?

UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,372 ✭✭✭✭✭
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To be honest, I think N being a Zoroark is the first thing I think of when someone says Pokémon theory.

His hairstyle, him understanding Pokémon, the Zoroark in BW2 disappearing when you reach N, him living in a forest (when he was a child), and also I find it interesting that even though he used a Zoroark in his final fight in BW the one he befriended as a child can be obtained as a Zorua in BW2, implying he knows multiple Zoroark. Plus, we've seen a few (at least one) instances of Zoroark understanding and speaking human language if I remember correctly. Also, in case you forgot, the only way you could get a Zorua/Zoroark in Unova is N's or through events, so it's interesting that N knows more than one. Perhaps he himself is a Zoroark, and the ones he knows/uses are his old friends and relatives?

So, what are your favourite theories? Or even just theories you think make sense?