[S/V] Looking for trade partners for some trade evolutions!
Title covers it - looking for some people to trade with so that I can acquire some of the trade evolutions for my game. Willing to do the same for others as well!
How many games do you have and how long have you played Pokémon?
I have every game from Gen 4 to 9, but I have no device that can play GBA or GB/GBC games. I might collect all spin-offs for now or get a physical copy of Y (or maybe another ultra game so I can shiny hunt Legendaries). I've been playing for at least 6 or 7 years. I started with a finished X, and the first game I actually…
How much of the DLC have you finished so far?
There might be some mild spoilers (if it wasn't obvious) I finished the story in a single day. And I've done a lot of the side quests, but Perrin, the Pokédex, and Ogre Oustin' scare me and I'll probably take a few weeks to even think about finishing their quests (though I might get that Shiny gift mon from Ogre Oustin').…
What Pokemon would be creepy if real?
Since It's almost spooky month I thought I'd ask this question from any perspective, whether it be through lore or actual appearance of the Pokemon.
Why do they make male and female forms? It makes children think they caught a shiny.
When children catch a Blue stripe Basculin, They think "Oh! I found a shiny! Mom, Guess what?" When Children find a Gengar, And they look at the shiny they say "ANOTHER SHINY! WHOO!" When they look at the summary they say "Why me? WHY?"
Most Fall Themed Pokemon?
It's almost fall so you know I had to ask this. For me, it's Phantump, since it's a ghost and has orange leaves as a shiny. What about yall?
Why does Kleavor have Sheer Force
It has like 1 physical move that benefits from Sheer Force and even then it needs the Stealth Rock setting side effect of Stone Axe for the move to actually be good. What was GF cooking????
What was your first catch in Kitakami?
Mine was this little cutie I love Sewaddle. Looking forward to seeing yours!
Why does pokemon scarlet and violet switch seasons?
What I mean Is that In the beginning of the game the deerling are usually summer version and once you defeat you first gym team star or titan they change then when you do your second one they change then the third they will have changed. how is this possible?!?