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How many games do you have and how long have you played Pokémon?

UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,371 ✭✭✭✭✭
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I have every game from Gen 4 to 9, but I have no device that can play GBA or GB/GBC games. I might collect all spin-offs for now or get a physical copy of Y (or maybe another ultra game so I can shiny hunt Legendaries). I've been playing for at least 6 or 7 years. I started with a finished X, and the first game I actually played was Sun (I lost that copy, sadly).

People saying they started with a Switch game make me feel very old. Like, not even GO or something? That's scary. Time passes, and that's terrifying. Someday, we'll have people saying they played the XY remakes as kids. I repeat, that's terrifying.

I'd like to apologise to everyone who started with Gen 3 for making you realise that some of us started with ORAS.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I did sell my old Game Boy Pocket when I got a GBA, but I do still have physical copies of every gen 1 game and Silver in English. I picked up Ruby when gen 3 came out (didn't like it) and imported Diamond from America back when the games launched in America first and a strong pound made it cheaper than buying from a local shop. I later bought Platinum too to play with a friend during a holiday together.

    Gen 5 I picked up White and White 2, primarily because I thought Zekrom looked cooler on the White box and wanted access to White Forest.

    Gen 6 I imported X because I bought an American 3DS for aforementioned better prices and because I was concerned about Atlus not importing SMT titles for the system to Europe.

    Before the release of Sun and Moon I moved to Japan, and from then on I made all of my subsequent purchases in Japanese. I picked up and played through the older titles in Japanese too. Lately they have gotten a little expensive, but at the time I managed to grab boxed copies of Green and Yellow for ¥100 each.

    I played Sun and Ultra Moon in Japan, then held off on Sword and Shield (because I am angry about Dexit and all of the other problems with that game) until I picked up a copy of Sword with all the DLC on Yahoo Auctions. Because in Japan Yahoo is one of the most successful sites, for some reason.

    I grabbed Violet because Miraidon is cooler than Koraidon. And that is where we are today.

    I hope they sell a physical version of SV with all of the DLC on the cartridge because I hate digital only downloads. If you don't understand why go and buy something on the 3DS e-shop. I am not sure if I will bother downloading the DLC on release for that reason.

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    I started with Y on the 2DS. When Sun and Moon came out, I bought them both. When the Ultras came out, I also bought both of them. I have thoroughly enjoyed them all and completed the main story line in all of them but Moon. When the switch Oled came out and I bought it I got Arceus and completed the story line and nearly have all the Pokémon but 5 that only appear in the mountain Space-Time Distortions. I don't own any other game on the Switch, but I have rented the rest of them from the library and have started but have not gotten far in Let's Go Eevee and Brilliant Diamond. I have gotten about halfway in Violet and Shield. I have rented and played Black 2, White 2 and Alpha Sapphire shortly but because the data is saved on the cartridge, I played in the middle of the game. I just used them to get Pokémon in the game and transfer them to Pokémon Bank.

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    I entirely completed the whole game of ultra sun (story and pokedex). Currently try to get the national pokedex and sort them in numerical order.

  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    I've played all the games except Gen 1 and 8.

  • DazzlingMimikyu
    DazzlingMimikyu Member Posts: 7
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    I started with X & Y but I've been collecting cards since they first came out in the 1990's. I'm only recently learning how to play the TCG just for fun. I still play X and Sun & Moon regularly on my 3DS.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I've been collecting cards since they first came out in the 1990's. I'm only recently learning how to play the TCG just for fun.

    @DazzlingMimikyu Everyone collected Pokémon cards at my school before they were inevitably banned, but I was so frustrated that no one knew the rules or how to play. I swear I was the only kid who bothered to read the rule book. Then they would complain when I objected to them putting a Machamp or whatever foil evolved Pokémon they had on the first turn and declared an attack without even attaching energy.

    Out of desperation I tried teaching my dad to play so I at least had one opponent. That didn't really take either. I didn't get to play a TCG for real until Yugioh became popular among my secondary school friends years later.

    I suppose I do not understand the collector only mindset. How do you amass a collection of cards without being a little curious about the funny squiggles beneath the pretty pictures, and start wondering what they mean?

  • DazzlingMimikyu
    DazzlingMimikyu Member Posts: 7
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    I know that a lot of people collect because of the art and rarities. I started just because I had kids who collected them from the beginning! I believe that a lot of people collect because they are collectors at heart and Pokemon is fun at heart. It is easy to have an enormous collection of cards without a huge amount of space.

  • yuliang
    yuliang Member Posts: 4
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    I'm still waiting for my Dad to buy me my first pokemon game :(

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,371 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @yuliang Which one are you planning to get? Scarlet/Violet are a bit hard to understand and are really different from the rest of the series, Legends: Arceus requires knowledge of past games for the best experience, and Let's Go is also a bit different from most of the games, so I'd recommend Sword/Shield for a new Trainer. Though Scarlet/Violet are still pretty good options since that's what Pokémon seems to want to make from now on.

    But the most important thing is to have fun. No matter which game you get, all you need to do is enjoy it and have fun with your Pokémon!

    (Also, don't focus too much on stats and competitive things. Not caring about those makes your first journey a million times better! Use Pokémon you love!)

    (Just a question, but how did you get introduced to Pokémon? Was it the anime, TCG, or a spin-off/mobile game?)

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    @DazzlingMimikyu I collect cards as well and know how to play but have no one to play with. Eventually I'll find someone but till then I just collect. So far I have about 1,500 cards. Also started on Y.