What's your favorites pokémon? (Mega Evolutions)
The Journey Begins. The Quest to 100% them all.
I have been lucky enough to have been playing these games since April of 2004, receiving Pokémon Ruby on Easter day that year. It has been a wonderful escape for me. A place I can retreat to when life gets in the way. About three years ago I decided I am going to 100% every single title, all 37 from Red to Violet (as of…
Favorite shiny pokemon?
i love SHINY pokemon so i'm Curious whAt everyone's favoriTe sHiny is! pERsonally I'm a big faN of crEsselia's shiny- purple With A green-iSh blue looks WondeRful in my Opinion. theN aGain, i also like grey or silver shinies like Fennekin. i think we can all agree thoUgh that pokemon Like vuLlabY and BAsculiN got the short…
Need someone to trade with me on violet/scarlet
Need a Koraidon to complete dex
Playable Fighter Pokémon Best Fit or Too Unfit for Pokkén Tournament and DX
Here’s my own list of playable fighter Pokémon that I have considered the best fit or too unit for Pokkén Tournament and its Nintendo Switch-exclusive deluxe edition: Best Fit: Aegislash Blastoise Blaziken Chandelure Charizard Darkrai Decidueye Empoleon Garchomp Gardevoir Gengar Lucario Machamp Mewtwo Pikachu Sceptile…
Pokemon Sleep Unavailable on Guatemala
Hey there, just want to know why is pokemon sleep not available in most latin american countries, including Guatemala and if it's going to be included any time soon. Thanks!
Pokemon Teambuilding Styles
What's your general style when it comes to building a playthrough team for Pokemon? I personally look for balance first and foremost, but I've found I'm most satisfied with teams that include a Water, Flying, and Grass type.
Gen 9 + Gen 10 spin-off Game Potentials?
What kind of gen 9 and gen 10 Spin-off Pokemon Games you would like to see? My case major return of Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, a sequel to Pokemon Battle Revolution, let alone a major return of pokemon stadium/Colosseum series along with Hey You Pikachu esque games like Pokemon channel.
Playable Fighter Pokémon Best Fit or Too Unfit for Pokkén Tournament and DX
Here’s my own list of playable fighter Pokémon that I have considered the best fit or too unit for Pokkén Tournament and its Nintendo Switch-exclusive deluxe edition: Best Fit: Aegislash Blastoise Blaziken Chandelure Charizard Darkrai Decidueye Empoleon Garchomp Gardevoir Gengar Lucario Machamp Mewtwo Pikachu Sceptile…
Aight, what are everyone's favorite starters
For me it's delphox since it was my first.