Pokemon with hidden meanings?
Now, when I say hidden meaning, I don't mean something basic, like the mash-up that makes it's name, but instead something hidden only truly creative people could find. First up, Tatsugiri's shinies represent sushi toppings. The Curly form is shrimp and soy sauce, the Droopy form is Cod/Halibut, and the Stretchy form is…
Scandinavian area as a possible pokemon region
With Gen 10 being slowed down for improved graphics and gameplay. What do you guys think of the Scandinavian area as a possible gen 10 pokemon region? I'm talking about Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark. You decide what kind of adventures should be in this possible gen 10 region. a fire type lamb pokemon, a…
Pokemon Legends Novelization
It was just a thought that I had, but I think having a book based on Legends: Arceus could be really interesting, a story set in the time period but not the same one as the game. They could even continue the series with the pasts of other regions. What do you think?
About the Let's Go mechanic in Scarlet and Violet
Wouldn't it be great of there's a way to check the amounts of steps with our littles buddies?
Potential Pokémon Game Regions
There are so many cool places in this world, I was wondering what other people thought would be a good region to base a game off of. Some cool ones I would be interested in would be South America countries, Scandinavian countries, Oceania, China, the Middle East, and India. Wide areas but great places.🌍️🌎️🌏️
Why is Oddish receiving a lot of love?
No offense, just asking a question.
Sometimes I like to get lost in the Pokemon games
What I mean is sometimes I like to just stop and get lost in the scenery of the games, does anyone else do that?
What Is Your Favorite Pokemon Type And Why?
Mine is Ghost because Ghost-types are cool!
Bug with Pokemon JCC Online
Hello, I'd like to point out a bug within the Pokemon JCC online. I hope that this is the good place for that. Let me share with you a screenshot of the issue. If I use a card for choosing energies or Pokemon, I can't see the cards, only the numbers and then, I can't select no card. Hope it could be fixed soon, I like this…
my profile picture wont change
I tried to change my profile picture on here to a bulbasaur (bulbasaur being my favorite pokemon) but it wouldn't change, does anyone have an idea why?