The 2nd Pokémon Tournament Bracket of these forums- Round 1 Match 16
This match’s contenders are Magearna and Dragonite. Comment which one you like more.
The 2nd Pokémon Tournament Bracket of these forums- Round 2 Match 1
This Match’s contenders are Galvantula and Croconaw. As always, comment which one you like more.
The 2nd Pokémon Tournament Bracket of these forums- Round 1 Match 15
This match’s contenders are Walrein and Carbink, comment which one you like more. :)
For some reason the Pokémon red and blue theme plays in my head over and over whenever I am playing Pokémon go. And only when I am playing Pokémon go. Does this happen to you? Does something similar happen to you?
Pokemon Music
I had found these 2 songs and I was wondering what people thought of them. There called: "Pokemon Theme (feat. RichaadEB)" by NateWantsToBattle "Pokemon Song Challange / Pokemon Theme Song Parody" by NerdOut I know you can found them on YouTube Music but they may be other places if you look.
[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet] Prepare for Mass Outbreaks of Eevee!
Encounter Eevee Everywhere! Get ready to celebrate Eevee Day! From Friday, November 17, 2023, at 00:00 UTC to Monday, November 20, 2023, at 23:59 UTC, mass outbreaks of Eevee will be appearing throughout Paldea and Kitakami. Eevee encountered in these special mass outbreaks are more likely to have a special mark depending…
[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet] Prepare to Face a Mighty Eevee!
Catch an Eevee with the Mightiest Mark! In celebration of Eevee Day, Eevee will be appearing at black Tera Raid crystals from Friday, November 17, 2023, at 00:00 UTC to Monday, November 20, 2023, at 23:59 UTC. The Eevee appearing during this event has Normal as its Tera Type. Be prepared—this Pokémon is a formidable foe,…
Pokemon is very good of people how what to umderstand pokemon
The 2nd Pokémon Tournament Bracket of these forums- Round 1 Match 14
This match’s contenders are Luxray and Treeko, comment which one you like more. :)
I watched the championship for ext drops how do I get them in game.
I have no clue how to get the extra packs I earned in game can someone help please