Palkia raid Sylveon

Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
(I had no idea how to name this)
I was using a Pixilate Hyper Voice Sylveon and realised just how much damage it does in this raid (didn't try the Dialga one as I was using Violet and those raids get entered instantly).
So here are the necessary stats/moves/items:
Item: Choice Specs
EVs: Max Sp. Atk, Max Sp. Def, Rest goes into HP.
IVs: Max Sp. Atk, Max Sp. Def, Max HP, the rest is optional.
Moves: Hyper Voice is the only one you need (Choice specs only allow one move to be used, when you faint/switch out it resets)
Ability: Pixilate (its hidden ability, turns Normal Type Moves into Fairy type ones and boosts their power. Normal Hyper Voice already has 90 power, so this makes it even more broken)