Trouble with pokemon support ticket
Hello, I submitted a pokemon support ticket to pokemon last night and got an email saying to login to my PTC account using the link they sent me. However, it won't log me in and just keeps taking me back to the same link they sent me. Can anybody help me out. Thank you
How to delete posts?
I need help plos
I found an official record of my Pokémon Red team from1999.
It's time for one of old man Jeffers's long, rambling stories. Settle down, kids. I often mention my memories of playing Pokémon Red following its launch back in the UK, shortly before my tenth birthday. It was to be my birthday present, but following a tough week on my school residential trip, my first time ever away from…
How do the professors know when the Pokedex is complete?
If they ask you to complete the Pokedex, how will anybody in-universe even know it's complete? My only guess is that maybe the professors can analyze when the Pokedex has no further storage-space left for new entries. Give me your ideas (or better yet, if there's somehow official info, inform us).
Opinions on Pokémon rumble?
the first spin off Pokémon game I played was this. On my wii and my 3ds, to me the 3ds version was pay to win but I think that was the point anyway. What are your opinions on it?
Will the friend safari be in legends za?
Spinoff game bracket #1
I’ve waited a long time for this but since blue won the gym leader bracket I can finally do the spinoff game bracket this round is more so to eliminate the worst of the worst of the spinoffs Detective pikachu Vs Detective pikachu returns
Mainline game bracket round 2 #3-9
yeah I’m kind of wanting to get this bracket over with so let’s do the rest of round 2 Emerald vs sapphire Fire red vs let’s go, eevee! Diamond vs brilliant diamond Black vs black 2 Y vs alpha sapphire Sun vs ultra sun Shield vs violet
mainline game bracket round 2 #2
silver vs soul silver
Mainline game bracket round 2 #1
green vs blue