Opinions on Pokémon rumble?

the first spin off Pokémon game I played was this. On my wii and my 3ds, to me the 3ds version was pay to win but I think that was the point anyway. What are your opinions on it?
I have the physical copy with a save file from 2018 (surprised I didn't restart it more), with Arceus and Ho-oh in it, and multiple Pokémon with over 1000 power. I haven't played it in months so I might be misremembering some things. It (the game card ver.) gives you free gems. I have the ability to have 3 mons in my profile image.
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Maybe I should continue playing it again
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It is I played it during my childhood, recently, I decided to play Blast again, I think Blast is really incredible, it has an exciting story, and I love the soundtrack, I confess that as a child, I loved playing the beginning part more because of meeting Skitty, Vulpix and Oshawott at the beginning, that these Pokémon I mentioned are very special to me, especially in my childhood and even today, but over time, I really liked the part in the chapter where we discovered more about the World Axle, which is the part where we are in North Town, and I also like the final chapter too, which is exciting, in addition to the part where we are in West Town, but Pokémon Rumble is really fun, my favorite is still Pokémon Rumble Blast, more for the special memories and also for the story and fun.