@clasingla @Resilient30 @UnovanZorua @TechHog @OlderAngel11 @Kieraste @Specter478 @Jokemon811 @Josiah2580 Look at this! On the Pokemon Official Complete Book are 3 starters above the Pokemon Logo and that 3 starters are the best thoughts for Legends Z-A!! Treecko, Piplup and Scorbunny!
what is the story behind your favorite pokemon?
every pokemon is someone's favorite, even if it's the most peculiar like… Klang for example usually there's a story behind these favorite pokemon, sometimes it's just "because it's cool/cute/whatever", but sometimes it's something fun and silly, like my story for why I like Jumpluff so much so if you have a favorite…
What dual types you would like to see in the future?
For me I have some soft spot for some dual type Electric/Fighting (Hopefully as a special attacker this time around) Dragon/Fairy (I don't mind Mega Altaria, it has a cute hat. I just think it would be neat to see a Dragon/Fairy Pokémon that isn't a temporary form.) Water/Steel (Empoleon is currently the only one with said…
BDSP Graphical changes?
So recently I was looking at the first BDSP trailer and Eshop images and I noticed that the graphics in them are far higher quality (in terms of textures) than they are in the real game. Example of the texture difference: Overall it seems strange that they would change the textures to what they are now as I think they look…
pokemon forums mystery dungeon quiz
question 1 your friends invite you to explore a new area and you accept whats the reason a. its all about the treasure b. i said yes the moment they said exploring c. i didn't really have a choice d. i just needed to make sure they didn't do anything stupid question 2 there are 4 platters of food in front of you and the…
I feel like Carbink was left out and forgotten in pokemon so I figured if scientists tried to copy it for diamonds in legends Z-A and failed it would make a cool glass Carbink. They would war underground and if a Carbink defeats a Diancie it should evolve into a glass Diancie. It would be Steel/fairy and you would run into…
After 275 eggs I finally got myself a shiny beldum!The game I got it in was oras, I specifically wanted the beldum to be from hoenn.So I will be using it when legends za comes out!
Some new Pokemon for legends Z-A?
For Pokemon Legends Z+A I'm not sure yet wether it will be in the future or the past, because the building plans in the trailer looked like modern day Lumiose city. However I have some ideas for some new pokemon. I feel like Carbink got completely left out of the game. I feel like if it's in the future, jewellers and…
Pokemon Forums Story "Becoming A Master" Episode:5 Part:2
Over in Woodle City, Copper is standing by a fountain, while Boltund is sleeping on the ledge. Just then, our hero Arlo come running into town. He seems stressed, and by the looks of hit, he sprinted all the way here! "Hello! Professor's Assistant?! You there?!" Arlo said while looking around frantically. The two had never…
Mainline game bracket round 3 #2-4
2 emerald vs soul silver vs diamond 3 black vs violet 4 y vs ultra sun