Not getting compensated for teammates idling
There have been several times now when the game recognizes an idling player, but it's too late in the game so if the team surrenders everyone loses points. I understand that stuff happens and it's not always the player's fault! It's not fair that the rest of us have to pay for it just because they didn't idle until there…
Fix match making
Still #1 ask..it's getting pretty bad. Even if im.star player or carry, it's no fun if you have to carry all the time...
We need better in game moderation
Game is full of trolls who lie chat and steal in sense
10% discount bp? Are you serious?
What is this? A discount for ants?
Too HARD to climb
Unite has become way too much like League of Legends. It wasn't meant to be a sweaty tryhard game, it was meant to be a fun Pokemon game for everyone
Sableye jump pad issue
When enemies touch the feint attack orbs this prevents sableye from using the jump pad for a very long time, pretty much to the point where I have to just run which is quicker than waiting for the effects to wear off.
[PLEASE READ] My Pokemon Unite matchmaking stops at 9 ppl.
MY POKEMON UNITE app, well it always stops matchmaking when it reached 9 people and bans me every time. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIX THIS???
Atleast bring back the old matchmaking system or revamp it completely for soloq player
I've only been playing for 5 seasons 4 times Master and currently in my 6 seasons, but this season is the worst. Normally it would take me 25-40 matches to climb to Master (already in Ultra after reset). Now im 74 matches in and im still fluctuate in Ultra I-II. If i lose 1-2 games, the new matchmaking system will put me…
Balance is just a popularity contest
Not true balance but whatever tournament players used too much. That's of course isn't good balancing Balance is done by weighing how a character preforms and it's counters not some popularity contest or hate contest
46 percent win rate for zacian last week!! Not balanced
62 percent nerf is overkill especially with all cc attackers