Darkarai Unite Move Bug
After Darkrai used its Unite Move during a match, one of my teammates (Sessore) was knocked out of the map and became unreachable. This is a game-breaking bug that needs to be addressed. Steps to Reproduce: Darkrai uses its Unite Move. One of the players (Sessore) gets pushed out of the map. I would appreciate it if this…
Fps drops and freezes every single game
pokemon unite 2 minutes into the game or right before rayqueza my game drops from gps 60 to 15 and it takes about 2 minutes to recover from this. By that time the game is usually lost. It is beyond frustrating and a disrespect to players who pay monthly memberships to enjoy this very competitive game where every second…
Matchmaking fix
I noticed myself that I had been the first player of the team in 99% of all the season's game (I am not kidding). I found the resource where I can see their master rank and realized I almost never have a team where all 4 players' master rank are above of me. 99% OF THE TIME. Add a system where a player automatically assign…
We need more humans in casuals
I would like the option to wait longer in casuals. It's very obvious still when we play with or against bots. Casuals need rewards to bring people to play it like quick s...but rughbow it's 99.9 percent bot matches unless you 5 stack Bots aren't fun challenge to have nearly all the time
Improvements to spectating and gameplay
Make the pokeball match the color of the team that last hits the pokemon. Show moves of all pokemon on spectator. Show health bar of major objectives like Rayquaza, Rotem, Regis at edge of screen in game(if in view of teammate) and when spectating(if it is being attacked). Show who killed major objectives right away with…
Feedback: Make full fury "random" in customs match
It would be fun for squads full fury a permanent matchmaking mode for customs, but with random picks options only. The randomness makes it fun even if you lose one match you might get better draw next one
In game moderation request
Please do something about people purposely jumping to another pad while allies are trying to defend regi against all 5 opponents on top. They are being petty and purposely not helping team because they are mad for any reason
Is Gengar Cool?
Is Gengar Cool? Vote Below…
What was the hardest battle you ever faced in a Pokémon game?
Everyone has that one battle that was either super tough or totally unexpected. Maybe it was a Gym Leader, an Elite Four member, or even a rival that forced you to retry multiple times. Which battle gave you the most trouble, and why? Share your team and strategy too!
Game is dying from lack of moderation
Nobody wants to play with trolls and petty people. Casuals games are 99 percent bots now and quicks 75 percent bots