Battle Log stuck open, unable to play game
Firstly, I played a turn 1 order pad where I flipped heads and was unable to select nest ball from my deck. Every other card could be dragged except for the exact one that I needed, of course. On a future turn in the same game, I had the battle log open and right clicked on my opponent's fire crystal as it was being…
Android force closes
I have a Nokia c300 and every time i open the app it will randomly force close even in a match and everything is up to date please help
Won game, but got stuck on last prized pokemon
Hi, I won this game and killed his chary. But the game froze up before I could get to the victory screen. I'm not sure yet if I lost any rank but I really hope not, I definitely deserved the win here. Let me know if anything more would help, thanks!
Where are all my decks/cards from sunsetting tcg online
I know i'm late to the party, but i Just downloaded TCG Live… It prompted me to migrate over my data from TCG online, so i did. I understand that custom deck were not migrated, but where are all my cards? More importantly where are all the decks i purchased? Soaring Storm, Relentless Flame, Torrential Cannon, Laser, Focus,…
Speed Energy bug
I had an opponent attach a speed energy to one of their pokemon, which froze my game and led to my opponent winning due to me not being able to play the game. Please fix.
Energy related cards are completely bugged?
All cards that attach energy are completely bugged. It's a nightmare trying to climb with any deck. Regidrago VSTAR, Blissey, Lugia V nothing works. Anyone else facing this?
frustration lose becaus bug system
i've playing with united wings, very nice and funny deck, but some bugs are happening, first dragapult with panic mask prevent damage, but my pokemon had 50hp, so far so good, even though i was upset about the bug i still managed to win, when i came across a second bug, i played secret box, and the game simply didn't make…
Bug when twin shotels takes a ko
twin shotels took a ko and now neither of us can play the game, my opponent's timer is still running down but it comes up w my turn timer saying im missing actions but yeah game is totally frozen
Malamar "Coluding Tentacles" from SFA not Working
Malamar's newest card (SFA 34/64) is intended to swap in an opponents pokemon from the bench and apply 120 damageb to the new active pokemon if you have played the trainer card Xerosic's Machinations. I have tested this in ranked matches several times and the attack is doing nothing whether Xerosic's Machinations has been…
Random deck generator
Adding some type of random deck generator would be great for casual players. Like select what type of pokemon with some sliders for card counts and it builds a deck based off the card you own