Why are excess cards not turned into credits when migrating, very irritating as a f2p.
Im very mad excess cards (beyond copies of 4) will not be turned into credits when migrating my collection from PTCGO. Why are they deciding to do this? Is excessive collection progress in PTCGO being invalidated compared to excessive collection progress in Live? As a f2p player, I hope they change this because the amount…
Drampa's berserk attack deals the wrong amount
It has base damage of 70, + 90 if any of your bench pokemon have any damage counters on them. This should be 160, but is instead dealing 140.
Trekking shoes couldn't been played with 1 card left in deck.
As title says, I had 1 card left in my deck and couldn't use my trekking shoes to look at it and put it in my hand and it ended up being the card I needed to win the game that turn. Next turn I draw the card but couldn't get the 2 prizes left so I lose next turn. A very specific scenario I know but I think worth of look…
TCG Live has stopped letting me login what can I do?
how does Ninetales V use Final burn to deal 300 damage on my mewtwo v-union
so i just played a game where ninetales V used final burn evne though it does not have that ablity. from Log (danish) : 205. kaw7's Ninetales V benyttede Final Burn og tildelte 300 skade til SkillsByNiels's Mewtwo V-UNION.
Lunatone : Unable to pick cards from the deck for quick ball or vip pass
When using either VIP pass or quick ball with this deck, every cards appear black and I can't chose any. The deck is standard though and the game allows me to play it. Here is the export of the deck Pokémon: 6 3 Lunatone PGO 34 1 Solrock PGO 39 1 Lunatone PGO 34 1 Manaphy BRS 41 1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46 3 Solrock PGO 39…
Could not select Duraludon V from Ultra Ball
I used an ultra ball and had Arceus V and Duraludon V as my choices. The game let me choose Arceus, but I could not drag Duraludon, and this ultimately cost me the game. I have a video but I thought I read somewhere you aren't allowed to upload videos here. Where do we report bugs officially with attachments?
Cyllene not working as intended.
When you play cyllene you're only able to shuffle a specific set of cards back into your deck (trekking shoes being one of these) Not sure what all currently qualifies, annoying bug that has lost me a few games.
[BUG] Raihan appears to become unusable when using ordinary rod on the "last knocked out pokémon"
So, during a match tonight I found this issue. Would need to verify, maybe through test mode if it's the same every time but here's what happened this time at least. I'm playing Lucario (BRS) against a shadow rider, they knock out my active Lucario for their first prize with me not having discarded any Pokémon cards as of…
Cyllene does not seem to be working properly
I used Cyllene twice in the same game, and I am not entirely sure what cards I was able to put back on top. The first time I could choose from 2 cards, I elected to put both on top and then the second time, I could only select 1 card. The issue is that, I had 20+ cards in my discard pile and it only let me select from 2…