PTCGO to PTCGL Migration issues.
I Migrated yesterday and have not received any crystals from my excess packs. I am also missing my cards from Sun and Moon as well as X and y. I sent a ticket in and was told to try and log in during off hours. I've checked multiple times today and nothing. I replied to my ticket and have yet to get a response.
Time to short
My turn wound instantly end because of my pokemon's ability that took more than 15 seconds to use. pls fix this
Deckbuilding Inprovement
In the deckbuilder, the compilation of all versions of the same card into one tile is extremely helpful and makes looking for cards easier. However, a QoL upgrade idea would be to allow a version of a card to be set as the default (i.e. there are like 20 different versions of professors research).
Can't open it on my laptop
The game open and close instantly
Bug playing Malamar 070/198 - attack Rapid Strike Tentacles
Hi, I was playing game with Rapid Strike Malamar deck, and using Malamar 070/198 attack Rapid Strike Tentacles, which should do : reveal any number of Rapid Strike cards from hand. For each card you reveal this way this attack does 40 dmg. Then shuffle those cards to deck. I was attacking oponent Regidrago VSTAR, no…
Error Code 10010 - Taiwan User - any regions TCG Live NOT available?
Are there regions where Pokemon TCGLive will not work? I am in Taiwan and get Error Code 10010 and cannot login/migrate
Redeem tab of shop crashes on desktop
Per topic, PTCGL crashes when I open the Redeem tab of the shop scene on my desktop. I surmise that this is because there is no webcam attached. What, if anything other than “get a webcam”, can I do to fix this?
An issue with the timer during your turn
Ok the title probably doesn't sound too well, I couldn't really get a good idea what to call this. So an issue I see that hasn't been a problem till now, is that you have literally almost no time to play. Every time it hits my turn, I only have ten seconds to play a card. Of course when I play a card, the time resets, but…
[Feedback] Timezones in the server maintenance messages
Today there is a server maintenance. And in the message there is a starttime and end time. Problem for me is that these times are from a different timezone, and it is not mentioned which one. So there is no real way for me to convert these times to my local times. So my suggestion would be to either show the times based on…
In game forum link is broken
I often use the ingame forum link when i want to open a new ticket or check up on some things. It looks like the url has changed, but the forum link ingame is not yet updated. When you press the forum link you go to: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/categories/pokemon-tcg-live instead of…