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[Feedback] Timezones in the server maintenance messages

Today there is a server maintenance. And in the message there is a starttime and end time.

Problem for me is that these times are from a different timezone, and it is not mentioned which one.

So there is no real way for me to convert these times to my local times.

So my suggestion would be to either show the times based on the users timezone, or mention the timezone so we can convert them ourselves


  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    They are US Pacific Time. TPCi is based in Washington state, and Pacific Time is local time for them.

  • rambo_ando
    rambo_ando Member Posts: 1
    First Comment Name Dropper

    @Flagrama thanks, helpful for the few of us that have read this thread.

    Hopefully TCPi will treat this as a priority feature request. I'm assuming the vast majority of users haven't read this thread, aware of where TCPi is based, or live in the same timezone as TPCi :)

  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
    100 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Answers 5 Likes
    edited November 2022 #4

    Yeah I'm not sure why the maintenance message itself doesn't specify. The announcements for them in-client several hours before they happen do put the timezone.

  • Kapoetski3
    Kapoetski3 Member Posts: 24
    Name Dropper 10 Comments 5 Agrees

    @Flagrama Thanks for clarifying. I also don't get why do not mention it in the message. Seems like an easy enough thing to do. My assumption is they just forgot.