Rillaboom SHF 13 Voltage Beat
Not sure if i am doing something wrong, but when using voltage beat i cannot select which pokemon to attach energy to. I have to let the time run out which causes it to default to the active pokemon.
Can't redeem rewards
Hi, when i load the game it wants me to redeem some rewards, but after some loading it won't give me anything and wants me to redeem again and so on. Idk how to get out of the loop
Major Problem
my application literally lags in between every major action, and then says the "run failed" and makes me close the application. Literally unplayable in this state. I want to play soooooo bad too
Not able to collect daily quests
So I have completed a daily quest, but when I press collect, nothing happens. I restarted the game and re opened it to see if that would fix the issue, but I am still not able to collect the daily quest.
Raichu SIT #050 is not applying the extra damage in the attack
Hello, i was playing some minutes ago a match against Lugia Vstar, and i was playing Zoroark Box, my opponent used the Vstar power of Lugia and the next turn when i attacked with Raichu it only did 80 damage (the base 40 but is 80 for the weakness), it should have done 280, i post an screenshot that the lugia is still…
Raichu SIT does not apply extra damage after opponent has used VStar Power
Tested against both Palkia VSTAR and Lugia VSTAR with both only applying the regular 80 damage for 40x2 weakness.
Hello good morning, the ACE SPEC cards are still in the Pokémon tab, and many who had aces when they transferred to Live lost in the migration, are you going to fix this?
Keldeo SIT not dealing additional damage
When attacking with Keldeo's Four As One, the attack only deals 50 damage even when I have Virizion, Cobalion and Terrakion on the bench instead of 220.
Cannot launch game on galaxy s10
Game won't launch on galaxy s10. Have tried Uninstaller, clearing cache, everything I can think of multiple times to no avail. Worked fine prior to update today
Effect of stadiums discarded Tempest Dive not leaving until another stadium is played
So far I've seen this happen with Collapsed Stadium and Path to the Peak. For example, I cleared Collapsed Stadium and for the next two turns the bench was still 4 cards until Path was played. At which point benches went back to 5. But when Path was then discarded and Luminion was played next turn I wasn't able to use the…