BUG REPORT: Miltank Astral Radiance
Miltank form Astral Radiance Rout attack is not calculating damage correctly. With one opponent on the bench it should do 30 (10+ 20 for the bench) but its only doing 10.
Waiting for user forever @ match start until automatic win
Happens often, any way this can be prevented? Usually against the same people too so don't know if they're doing something to exploit to make the other person wait until they leave because if you do leave you lose rank.
Bug Exploit
Players abusing about timer bug, every game that I had a chance to win, some players and most of them, are abusing about bug and I losting points in ranked match becasue I had to close or concede the game.
Trainer card deck issue
I have two examples of cards missing in my deck, both d lightly different. I am playing on TCGLive on android. Coltress Experiment - I previously exchanged for 4 of these while building a deck and have been using them with no issue. When trying to build a new deck, I am only able to add two and game is asking me to…
Furisode allows evolution on the basic pokemon the same turn it's played
I do not think this is intended? When you bring a basic Pokemon like say Lugia V out with Furisode and have it replace your active Pokemon you can then immediately evolve that Pokemon, but as far as my knowledge of the rules go you shouldn't be allowed to evolve the first turn a Pokemon is out regardless of what effect…
I’m sick of people leaving games and forcing me to concede because the game won’t notice they are inactive and make them concede. This makes competitive players extremely mad and I’m sick of playing a game that I’m Punished for the unsportsmanlike conduct of my opponents. FIX YOUR GAME. Sincerely, Competitive Players…
TCGO is more fun because it gives you junk decks
So I don't know if this is a beta thing, but everyone getting meta defining VMax and VStar decks for free is pretty much ruining any casual enjoyment of this game. Two of my kids decided to spend all their starting money on Blastoise V and V Max because he's so cool. In TCGO I could have made a deck that worked well enough…
CTD has become unbearable
I mentioned this in previous posts but I need to bring this matter to your attention. As of now, I can't finish one single game without the client crashing and closing. Mobile version, my device runs on Android 11 with a snapdragon 665 chipset, 4GB RAM As I stated in previous threads, I had this problem where the…
Now Arceus V, Vstar freeze the game too
I got around 6 frozen games today, those are two of them, all happened when the opponent manipulating the energy cards. And the Mew V still freeze the game, just not as often.
Can I Return to Pre-Migration State in PTCGO?
Dear PTCGL Game Developers, Can I un-migrate my account? I'm ok with losing the progress in PTCGL if I can play in the previous pokemon game. I thought I could live with the bugs but they are now unbearable. Yours truly, Maximus4868