Is anyone having issues with glitching?
I get white screened quite often. When I win and confetti falls I get a pink screen on and off. I couldn’t place my Pokémon after using sobble’s ability so I just conceded. I had less issues before the update
Game locked out playing against regi.
Hi there. I had a game lock up today playing into regi. Just like the mew fusion freezing from a week back. Really weird one. Froze up with no time-out on their turn. Possibly they quit the game..? Dunno. I took the loss though. Lame.
Blissey V..........
Come on. Really. Stacking your deck with nothing but; 2 Blissey V's, 4 Cape's of Toughness, 4 Bosses Orders, 4 Potions, & the rest special Energy's, tanking & turning 'n' burning Energy cards onto a single Pokémon isn't playing Pokémon. To either competitor. Gotta be nurfed......gotta be nerfed. I'd almost be fine with…
Game combined my 2 basics into my active pokemon
At the start of the game when choosing my active pokemon, the game combined my sobble and Urshifu into one pokemon, I could attach energy but could not retreat, attack or evolve.
Weakness not hitting
I had my fire deck up against a steel deck and I lost because the double damage wasn't hitting. Is anyone else having this issue? Specifically it was Victini V vs Zamazenta V. Is this a known bug? Are they fixing it?
Please add / bring back Theme Deck option like the original app! Or add drafts and tournaments!.
A standard and ranked option to play only with prebuilt decks just like in the original version of the app, I don't like these super combos and all these vmaxx cards. I'll go back to playing the original app if this is all there is to do you don't even have tournaments. Truthfully it's a downgrade from the original app. I…
Amazing Rayquaza and Amazing Raikou Bugs
I’ve encountered each a couple of times since most recent patch. When Amazing Rayquaza has 4 energies attached, but of only 3 different types, it still does 320 damage instead of 240. With Amazing Raikou, if opponent has Manaphy in play, it freezes when you are supposed to place bench damage, not letting you choose a…
Astral Radiance Mightyena Dealing Double Damage?
I had a Shadow Rider Calyrex V-max in my active spot, at full health (320hp), and my opponent had the Mightyena from Astral Radiance in the active spot. Its Wild Tackle attack only has a base damage of 160, but twice in the same match it actually dealt a full 320 damage instead. My opponent hadn't played any cards that…
Raichou V can use fast charge in middle of game
saw it happen once