timer issue question
Whats going on with the turn timer since the most recent update? it starts the timer for my turn before my turn starts and its only 13 seconds or so. By the time ive drawn a card i only have 2-3 seconds to make a play
I cant play Gardivour!!!!
I've lost 3 matches bc of glitches when I use Gardivours ability and i have no choice but to concede!!!!! !! This is ridiculous
Can we get more-regular checkpoints?
The meta is nuts at the moment. The gaps between the checkpoints are too big. 35 wins or whatever is a huge distance to go. Could we have checkpoints halfway through? Everything second stage or whatever? also- could we consider changes to the points structure for great league and above? The +20/-20 jam is brutal. Could we…
My turn clock runs out in 3 seconds
Hi I play since Pokemon TCG Online and migrate my account. When I start a match, in my oponent turn, time running normal, he can make all his actions and play normaly. When my oponent is almost finish his turn, appears the advice for my time with 3 seconds and he is runs out in the animation of the end of the turn of my…
There is nothing more FRUSTRATING than loading games due to bugs.
I was playing a game today; a mirror match into Lugia. I had the lead and was ahead, able to attack. i go to attack with tempest dive into a Lumineon V and it freezes up the first time. Lugia hovers in the corner and just sticks there. I don’t get to attack and it skips over to my opponent. They begin their turn with Lugia…
Turn Skipping & Freezing
I played two ranked matches, and in the first of the two I was playing a Kyurem deck. I was in position to win the game when my opponent attacked me, did not knock out my Pokemon. As i prepared to take my turn, it automatically gave my opponent a second turn. This proceeded to completely end any chance of winning that I…
Clock won't stop ticking down
Hey guys, back at you with another bug report. I know it's only been like an hour since my last one, but if they didn't want me to do this, they would have published a finished game. My opponent played the Avery card to make me discard on of my benched boys. The problem was after I did this and my opponent resumed their…
This isn't ready at all
The matchmaking has you up against extremely powerful cards when you first start playing, the board and card style is such a downgrade its unbelievable. Please let this be temporary.
Game freezing and no valid cards
I've come across these problems so many times now that I have to report these issues because these make the game pretty much unplayable. First problem is when I use cards like VIP pass, ultra ball or any search card, the game says I have no valid cards and I can't choose anything. This has happened many times now and I've…
Great Upgrade to Rewards
Just wanted to say thank you for upgrading the rewards within the ladder and profile to include more credits and crystals. This feels much better.