There is nothing more FRUSTRATING than loading games due to bugs.

I was playing a game today; a mirror match into Lugia. I had the lead and was ahead, able to attack.
i go to attack with tempest dive into a Lumineon V and it freezes up the first time. Lugia hovers in the corner and just sticks there. I don’t get to attack and it skips over to my opponent. They begin their turn with Lugia stuck there. SO annoying.
I take a deep breath and try to move on. He’s behind and I path’d him so I survive the attack. My turn. I bench a Ttar and I’ve got boss in hand. I should be two prizes up but whatever. Work to do. I can boss Ttar and smack it. I use primal turbo.
once again the ability freezes up. I select two single strike energies and that’s all I need. But I can’t attach them. Because this app doesn’t reliably work. Because it freezes. This is a fiercely competitive ladder and about once a week you lose a game just because the app breaks. I was advancing. It’s hard work and I’m doing well. And then the cards just stop working.
please fix abilities. With the next patch could we please see some work on the deck searching bugs? Maybe a failsafe so that it stops breaking? Some contingency thing in the background that just double checks or refreshes connections when they break? We don’t really need more animations for prizes or avatar clothing. We need a reliable game so we don’t take losses to the app.
im not angry. I’m disappointed.