Can we get more-regular checkpoints?

The meta is nuts at the moment. The gaps between the checkpoints are too big. 35 wins or whatever is a huge distance to go. Could we have checkpoints halfway through? Everything second stage or whatever?
also- could we consider changes to the points structure for great league and above? The +20/-20 jam is brutal. Could we consider +40 points if you defeat an opponent points ahead of you? Could we bonus points on the ladder for win streaks? If you go 4-0 say, +20 at that point. Lastly, if you’ve done 4-0, could we consider making the first loss -0? Then subsequent losses at -20?
Maybe that softens it too much but my thinking is that the ability to advance will encourage more people to play. Getting smashed down the ladder can happen in only 3 or 4 games.
finally, I just want to say thanks for changing the match-up thing. It’s great to be consistently matched against people in similar brackets to me. Occasionally I’ll see someone elite or basic but the vast majority are within 100 points of me. That’s an excellent change.
i hope that many of the issues can be ironed out soon. You’ve fixed lots. Keep going. This app could be superb.