Rip windows 7 and 8. Please port the desktop version of the game to Nintendo switch.
I get it windows 7 and 8 are old and have security vulnerabilities but dang they could have at least gave a heads up like. Oh yeah were gonna drop support on these older OS or something. But nope they just kept us in the dark as usual. well I don't have the means to upgrade my OS and the mobile version of the game is…
Battle VIP Pass not working
When attempting to play a Battle VIP pass shortly after benching a basic Pokemon on my first turn, I was presented with no Pokemon. The "Valid" and "All" filters appeared at the bottom of the screen, but had no affect. After a minute or so it discarded the Battle VIP Pass and allowed me to proceed. Shortly after, I…
Leafy Camo Poncho not shielding active Pokemon VMAX from Boss Orders
I had Regieleki VMAX in game with Leafy Camo Poncho attached Opponent won due to multiple use of Boss Orders. The Supporter card affects both benched and active pokemon so it should be prevented.
Time limits/Gardevoir players
I think that there should be a five-second time limit between actions and a two-minute total time limit per turn on live. Some players are SO SLOW, ESPECIALLY gardevoir players who play SO SLOWLY and take AN HOUR WITH EVERY ACTION! Like seriously can't they just click, click, and click again? I know psychic embrace takes a…
No valid cards game breaking bug
After the new update, on the PC version I have been having some visual bugs, but the no valid cards bug is the most game breaking I have experienced. I have already played on a PC before and decided to install the game on my laptop. I worked fine until the day I'm writting this post (22/09/2023), the game asked for the…
Bug? Raichu V - F 045/127 - Fast Charge
Fast Charge - "If you go first, you may use this attack during your first turn." I lost my coin toss, but opponent chose for me to go first. They went second, but were still able to use this to get another energy. Opponent had a Bravery Charm equipped , +50 HP.
Calculated damage is occasionally too low
Sometimes damage that is multiplied dependent on some condition is too low. For example attacks that do 20 damage times the number of benched pokemon, or mad party, which does 20 damaged time the number of mad partyers in your discard pile will do too little damage. I had 7 mad party pokemin in my discard, but only dealt…
Bug with Synchronized Feathers attack on Flamigo
Hi there, The Synchroniszed Feathers attack on Flamigo from obsidian flames isn't working correctly. The card reads that if you have another flamigo on the bench you deal an additional 60 damage to one of your opponents benched pokemon without applying weakness or resistance. This currently isn't working correctly…
Radiant Greninja bug (2 water + other)
When energizing Radiant Greninja with two Water energy and one additional energy type, activating Moonlight Shuriken will trigger a choice for discarding energy. If the timer runs out without making a selection, the ability will default to discarding just one energy rather than two. However, if Radiant Greninja is powered…
TCG live on mobile.
The game is loading into the game now but then it just crashes. Pokémon can you please fix the crashing