Coin flipping broken, on iOS at least
I’ve been running a deck that depends on a lot of coin flipping. Unfortunately, I’ve flipped coins well over a hundred times since migrating to live and I’ve not received a single heads, literally. I’m either super unlucky, or something’s up here. The odds of this realistically happening are virtually 0.
Lost City interaction with Kingdra SWSH05 33/163
Just encountered a bug interaction with lost city and kingdra from battel styles 33/163 with the Deep Sea King ability. I had 3 reversal energies on my active whiscash, where my opponent had 3 prize cards remaining and I had 6 prize cards remaining. My opponent had the stadium Lost City active, and when my active Pokémon…
ERROR:10005 from PTCGL
Hi all,I need help with this. Thank you very much.
Victory Animations
Can we please have the ability to turn off the part of this game where we have to watch our opponent’s avatar do a victory dance if they win? Nobody wants this. There’s zero chance anyone wants to watch this.
Joining Two Games Bug
I recently discovered this bug on the app version on tcg live. When joining a game the waiting screen appears, I believe underlying screen is still active. I accidentally pressed the middle of the screen(where the look for matches button is located) during this waiting period, and I think this caused a new search for a…
Question for TCG live game
After I hit English in the game it's goes back to same menu languages setting's home in my window 11 ASUS laptop vivobook how I make it work?
Colress's Experiment Bug
When playing Colress's Experiment, I drew an Arcanine-ex, a Boss's Orders, and 3 Fire Energy cards. However I was not able to select Arcanine-ex as one of the three cards to place into my hand. I could scroll through the cards fine, but trying to click or drag Arcanine-ex got no response.
Can you guys add Pokémon TCG in Nintendo Switch I made suggestion with Nintendo as well ignotr the troller's I would love to see Pokémon TCG in the Switch.
Bug for Squawkabilly ex
it happen 3 games already, I can't use Squawkabilly ex ability after Path to the Peak is removed it just stuck I cannot use the ability , even try playing Path again and removing it still doesn't work
Toedscruel ex with Spring Bloom Cherrim bug
I've seen a few people commenting that Toed ex's Colony Rush is dealing more damage than it should, and having noticed it multiple times myself while playing I wanted to figure out if there was something that was always causing it to happen. My conclusion is that it's an issue with Cherrim being treated as having a grass…