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Toedscruel ex with Spring Bloom Cherrim bug

I've seen a few people commenting that Toed ex's Colony Rush is dealing more damage than it should, and having noticed it multiple times myself while playing I wanted to figure out if there was something that was always causing it to happen. My conclusion is that it's an issue with Cherrim being treated as having a grass energy attached even without for Colony Rush.

Hopefully these pictures show I've never actually commented on the forums just read them to keep up with the known bugs, but in order the only thing that changes between first and second image is evolving into Cherrim (which then boosts Colony Rush 40 damage erroneously) and between the second and third image is attached a basic Grass Energy to that same Cherrim (which does not increase the damage to 160, which is in line with what I've seen that people say it correctly caps at 280 even after being 40 higher that it should be before getting the full bench with Grass setup)

I don't know if Colony Rush itself is the bugged part, or if Cherrim has an incorrect flag set.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    Best bug report I've seen here! Bravo! 👏

  • potato_type
    potato_type Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I use toedscruel quite a bit and it seems to apply to all evolution grass Pokemon. Evolution grass Pokemon without an energy attached still count towards increasing attack. They don't add further damage when adding grass energy to them so the cap remains the same.

    Ex. If you have two grass evolved Pokemon on bench without energy and one basic with grass energy and one basic without grass energy, then you will do 80 + 40 * 3 = 200 damage. Clearly a bug based on the text. It does seem to be consistent though in my games.

  • Lunarnors
    Lunarnors Member Posts: 6
    First Anniversary First Comment

    I wasn't playing any other Grass Stage 1s besides Toed ex and Cherrim so I hadn't even considered it might just be all Grass evos, went and tested it further and it's absolutely counting grass evo's so its not specific to Cherrim, I just never noticed it with other Toed ex's because I always had energy on them prior to evolving

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Most likely the incompetent devs count evolutions as typed attached cards.