Dies any one know what the tokens can be used to buy
I've got over 5,000 tokens and don't know what I can spend them on.
Vstar hesuian decidueye
What do you get when uploading codes and will old codes still work?
I am new to online PTCG and was looking to upload some old codes I have. Many are from XY and SM. Do they still work?
The last person I played with I destroyed his pokemon card but the same card that I destroyed attacked me still
Who is the best public person to learn TCGL from?
If you suck (like me) we need someone to learn from. Who are you guys learning/learned from? The one person I've been following is Little Dark Fury on youtube, but that's all I know. Who else is out there that's good?
Will there be a feature to look at just the cards I own?
Like how in the older version, TCG Online, there was an option to go to my collection and just look over all of the cards that were in my possession. Will that feature be included here?
Cartes qui ne fonctionnent pas sur Pokemon Live
Bonjour, certaines cartes comme « rapid ball », « pass VIP » , « Nigo mix 2000 » éclat d’Inezia ne fonctionne pas : l’écran reste noir, pourtant les cartes voulues existent mais elles ne sont pas accessibles. Est-ce que quelqu’un sait pourquoi. Mon ordi est neuf . la carte graphique n’est pas une NVIDIA mais une INTERL Arc…
Pokémon TCG Live Maintenance & Hotfix - 03.03.22
Hi Trainers! The recent downtime for Pokémon TCG Live was to push through a couple of hotfixes to address concerns and feedback provided by you. We appreciate all the information coming our way from our community and hope to continue to improve upon your experience. Issues & Fixes: When using the code redemption feature,…
Battle pass completed, now what?
There's over 6 weeks remaining of the current pass and now all I get to do is daily rewards for a mere pittance. If the game was actually enjoyable then it wouldn't be an issue but the current meta and all the same decks people are using are just boring. There needs to be more rewards or a shorter battle pass time…
What does the blue dot mean?
Hello. Sometimes I'll see a blue dot on the corner of the game screen. I'm assuming that is some sort of alert in the game. Does anyone know what the blue dot means in the corner? Thank you and have a nice day.