Global release
Hi, i'm indonesian. The first thing, im sorry my english is very bad🥲 i wanna ask some question, first.. when, when indonesia get this game? (T_T) the second, why so many bug in game? For example, sometimes in the first round.. i cant choose what card (basic pokemon card) i want to play, i dunno why.. it randomly chosen.…
What are your stats?
I'm just wondering, what stats wins/losses do you have?
I had an epic comeback!!! GG Soulsearcher96
Rant: Conceding just before opponent deals the finishing blow is the epitome of bad sportsmanship
I have played quite a lot of matches so far and there's one thing that royally pisses me off about other players, which is conceding just before you defeat their pokemon (and take the last prize card(s)). This is very poor sportsmanship and on top of that you get far less exp when the opponent concedes. If you're one of…
Opinions on a Switch release?
I know the two Pokemon TCG games for online have been limited to PC and mobile devices, but I'd love to play this on my Nintendo Switch as well. Maybe it's just me, but it would honestly be really fun to kick back and play the TCG with a controller than a mouse.
Pokémon TCG Live - Login & Game Issues 08/29/2022 *UPDATED*
Attention Trainers, We're aware of an issue preventing players from logging into Pokémon TCG Live and playing the game. Some players may be able to log in but will be experiencing limited functionality while in the game. A fix is being looked into, and we will provide updates as they come. NOTE: Players can now log in but…
Always "No Valid Cards"
All cards that lets you search for cards does not work and almost all of my decks looses because of this. It only shows "No valid cards", but I have lots of valid cards!
What’s the point of ranked?
What’s the point of ranked play? When I am sub 100 score yet I’m being matched up with players who are ranked 400 or higher. doesn’t that defeat the purpose of ranked play? I wanna play with people in my skill level.
Obsidian flame droprates..
Is anyone else constantly getting scizor or claydol from obsidian flame packs? I feel like i get those more often than any other regular holo. I don't think it's a bug i just feel like i can't escape them 😂
Please bring fortnite emotes to tcg live
We need more character emotes. Specifically fortnite emotes. Can we get the laughing donkey emote so I can flex properly after a win