Why lose points in ladder rewards in League?

If memory serves, the top of the ladder rewards are 2600+ points. I'm sitting at about 280, and have been for a week (up to 320, and back, etc). Win, get +20, lose and lose -10. I like playing, and enjoy playing "non-top four" decks. I know the people at Pokemon in Washington want us all to be the same and think the same (as them), but if I have to play 1 of 3 net-decks to ever earn any points, I'm gonna stop playing, because forced compliance is not fun. It's not fun when they force their ideology on people who pay to attend events, and it's not fun when you try to enjoy the game from home.
I'm fine with only wins producing points. Try +/-0 points for a loss, and -10 if you concede. That is, at least, reasonable.
There is no incentive to play with any of the hundreds of other cards in the format as it stands now.
I agree that the game is not very well balanced, but I think it is impossible to achieve high rankings with non-meta decks, although it is unfairly difficult. I think they shouldn’t make an obscenely powerful Charizard for at least the next five expansions.
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Yeah, play casual, so you can play against the exact same lists in ranked. Wheeee.
Net decking took the creativity out of the game years ago.
Let's all go to YT and see what they say to play this week. 🙄
Thanks for the tip.