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Do you like pokemon tcg live? Personally I think its terribly bad ❌❌❌

What happened to th9e wonderfull previous version of pokemon tcg?! It was a great game and now we are srtuck with the terribole live version.

There is absolutely noth9ing positive I can say about pokemon tcg live accept that it looks a little better]. For the rest the game is total crap ready for the bin. ❌❌

Terrible waiting time, bugs left rightp and center, lack of expression possibility's, no more trading cards, people playing with a only a tiny number of different decks, and the worst part of it all is that they dare to ask money for in app purchases which was okay if the game was good but not for this piece of crap. It's unacceptable. ❌❌❌

If it was up to me I would have fired the complete staff that developed this terrible game inmedietly
