First time checking out new tcg live since migration, and what happened? omg..
This is just a shell of itself now.. why cant you save packs? why do they have to be opened right away now? where is the trading? auctions? that was my favorite part and only thing that had constant activity and just got rid of it and no chance to save my old packs just opened them? i mean who honestly thought this was a…
Convinced this is just another rigged TCG
I haven't won a coin flip in the last 10+ games and I am seeing the same one of cards in my opening hand every single game and dead drawing every turn. This was after having had played really good games since I started playing, having some weird occurrences against opponents seemingly just conceding or playing like a bot.…
Connecting with fellow Malaysian
Hi. Any Malaysian playing TCG Live? Can we add each other or discuss a way we can connect socially online? my screen name: FerrucioLambo
No enjoyment!!!
The amount of players running charizard is just ruining this game for me. I get it an bring on the hate an negative comments. But just voicing my opinion. Just so tired of going against this deck. Its so lame. An feels like every time i face this deck the match always plays in favor to it. ALWAYS!! Always 2nd turn rare…
What's your favorite Pokemon?
mine is pikachu my second is Rayquaza what is yours? Most likely: Pikachu Charzard Blastoise Eevee Leafeon Jolteon Flareon Umbreon sylveon Is your Favorite Pokemon one of these?
Banned/illegal cards TCG Live
HI, I was going to try my Chien Pao deck in Live today and see that 3 cards are "banned'illegal" from the prebuilt pack. Skater Park Next ball Escape Rope They are not banned in the real world so I'm guessing it's an issue wil TCG Live not being able to handle the functionality of these cards? Anyone know if they are going…
Why Expanded Format Needs to Be Fully Supported in TCGL(BW+XY)
In my personal opinion, I feel that expanded adds a lot more variety to the game because whilst standard is good for the mainline competitive scene, I find myself limited to a certain pool of cards over a certain time period and there is a clear meta within the format, so there is like only a few decks that are…
Its a small thing, but I do miss how the old stats counted more than just win/loss ratio and winning streaks. It would be cool if they also counted amount of prize cards taken/lost and still counted the damage given/taken.
Can’t have a deck be above 50% Win Rate
Even with a deck that is relevant in the meta today (Gardevoir) , you simply can barely scrape by with a 50% win rate. Certain decks currently like Raging Bolt / Teal Mask Ogerpon and Dragapult Ex can’t be beer consistently. They’ll hit every draw and get the trainers needed while you’re deck is bricked.