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More feedback about the new update to ranked

I just sat a 6 minute queue for my opponent to brick and scoop. They were almost 200 elo lower, so it was a waste of time for both of us. Now I'm sitting in another queue while I type this, reflecting about the differences in my gameplay experience from last week to today.

Last week I could get on, press play, and get a game instantly. I could scoop and go next carefree because once you're in arceus league there was hardly any incentive to care about your win rate. Now, a better winrate means better opponents, which is meaningful for a lot of people to be able to get valuable experience. On top of that, there is now an added psychological layer of failure having a bigger impact emotionally, because all of a sudden there's a number attached to me that reflects skill rather than an arbitrary one representing a place in a glorified battle pass.

Before you suggest the alternative, queueing casual mode, I will tell you that I spent about an hour doing that tonight. Every single game was against someone who clearly just started and has no idea what they're doing. It's not fun for either of us there. Does anyone have information on if there is a hidden MMR system in casual? If I grind out against these people using premades, will there be an oasis of other strong players to queue into on the other side?

I'm super bummed about the change to the game, and I thought I would really like it originally. I think it's a good idea, but implemented incorrectly. There needs to be tighter restrictions on matchmaking for example. I should not be sitting 5+ minute queues to hit an opponent 200 elo lower. The point of sitting a long queue is to find an opponent whose elo is similar. Also, because the game has natural variance, brick hands and auto loss matchups do happen. It didn't used to matter because you could be in a game 2 seconds later. Now a donk can cause 10+ minutes of waiting on either side. Frustrating.

I'll address an expected comment now as well, because it's a lot of the regulars' favorite argument here… Just because I'm the only person who can see my elo doesn't mean I shouldn't care about it. Just like my level, I find a sense of satisfaction and self fulfillment by making number go higher. Setting goals and reaching them is fun.

All of this being said, my proposed changes would be:

  • Make arceus league games best of 3.
  • Add a queue accept/decline popup instead of auto load
  • Tighten matchmaking restrictions to not allow such wide gaps in elo (yes I know this causes longer wait times. Worth it if it's best of 3.)
  • Make levels go past 100, or create a prestige system
  • Add another game mode option to bridge the gap between long waits with a lot at stake, and playing vs actual first time players. Something like the old ptcgo tournament mode would be amazing.
  • Add a public leaderboard

Thanks for reading.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 LOLs 250 Likes
    edited December 2024 #2

    There's already a prestige system...

    And Bo3 is a terrible idea for a ranked ladder. Some of us have a life, dude. The better solution is to just make the ladder quarterly instead of monthly.

  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 701 mod
    500 Comments 25 LOLs 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Thank you for sharing your feedback, @Zhula! We appreciate the suggestions provided. Your input is valuable as we continue to review and improve the system for a better overall experience for everyone!