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Things I would love to see added to the UI

I saw another post on here, but I wanted to add my two cents (also, most of the things we want are different). So, here are some things I would love to see added to the client

  1. A 'recently added' list of cards in your collection. Heck, I would be happy with a 'card collection'. Having to make a new deck just to see what you have is a pain, and it actually makes it harder to build new decks because you can't see and clearly organize the cards in another site/software to plan
  2. An easier way to do local or organized tournaments with built in brackets
  3. A way to have other formats. I know the gym challenge is semi-popular, and having ways to do custom formats/ban lists could be fun (but it would have to tied to point 2 or it would be an issue)
  4. There needs to be a way to see what card you are missing from your deck. As it is, if something is not legal/you don't own the card you have to search through the tabs to find the offending cards. Instead, there should be a 'show me the issue' button that pulls up the cards/prompts you to use the currency to buy the missing card
