Are in-game shop decks worth buying as a new player?
As a just started player, just want some advice from any of you if buying a deck in the in-game shop is a worth spending of crystal or not. I already bought a premium pass and I will almost have no crystal left if I buy an LB deck. Cheers!
Exchange Failed and subtracted Credits twice
I tried to exchange 400 credits for 4 copies of Battle VIP Pass. The client said it failed so I tried again. After failing twice, I quit out of the app. When I came back, I had the cards in my collection but had lost 800 credits instead of 400. Device: Android OnePlus 8. Latest patch
Bug with damage pump
Damage pump only allows you to select one target to place the damage counters onto instead of being able to place the counters onto any other pokemon besides the one you are taking them from. It hurts having Zoro gifted, then not being able to properly play one of the key tools in the deck.
Battle pass issue
After updating the game I got the battle pass for the new expansion, I collected both tiers at once in which I lost out on 5 of the 7 packs that game with the first tier because of a glitch. I've also seen a lot of graphical glitches when playing with cards appearing pure dark.
The Pokémon TCG Live Limited Beta Survey
Greetings Trainers! We invite you to participate in a brief voluntary survey about your time with the Pokémon TCG Live Limited Beta. Everyone's feedback has been critical for improving the player experience, and your responses will help with that ongoing effort. If you have the time, please consider filling this out. We'd…
Have a Great Summer Everybody
See you in September for the next update!
Why has there been no communication on maintenance, & implementation of the Pokemon GO set in PTCGL?
On the Pokemon TCG Online forum, there has been a post by a Staff member outlining the maintenance down-time, and implementation of the upcoming expansion set: Pokemon GO for the TCG. Why has there been no information/communication given yet on this for Pokemon TCG Live players?
No code cards redeeming
Hi is anyone having issues with code redemption I can’t get a single code to work today
will iOS updates be separate from Mac updates?
Buying ‘real life’ packs to gain Crystals in TCG Live?
I was just wondering how many people buy real life packs to gain crystals and cards for Pokémon TCG live. Or do you feel you can gain enough by doing the daily missions and by leveling up. let me know what you think.