I have a Rainbow VMAX Pikachu how much is it worth?
I went to Illiofest today and found a Pokemon card table and saw a charizard packaging and i got it and pulled a Rainbow VMAX Pikachu. How much is it worth?
How do u get pikachu's on a bus?
POK'EM ON!!! Tell me some more pokemon jokes or facts
How did you get into Pokémon?
I got into it because I thought my cards would make me look cool, lol
When was your first interest in Pokemon?
I love Pokemon! I got into it around 2019. I love to play Pokemon and mostly was online at the time coming 2nd place globally on a tablet Galaxy! I love Pokemon still. Recently I have began collecting again.
What would your reaction be if they made eevee a future or anctient version?
Imagine the possibilities with that! Especially with the eeveelution aspect of things
How do you feel when pokemon re-uses art work for the cards?
Me personally I'm not a huge fan of it because I like seeing new art works. A good example of this is paldean fates when they used a lot of old art works from S+V base set.
How do u feel about an item card with the same rule as a raidiant card?
151 As a format?
My Question is simple. Are people playing The set 151 as its own format? What i mean by format is like, Base-Neo. Base-Neo is the format in which people play with gen 1, and 2 cards. But it can be shrunken to Base-Gym, Rocket, Fossil, Jungle, or even JUST base. That JUST is what im talking about. are people plying with…
New Cards Coming Out
To all the Pokémon TCG fans, we all know that Temporal Forces is coming out soon. But, we don't know what the cards look like, or do we? (Spoiler)
Rarest pulls from tins/elitetrainerboxes/boxes
Mine would have to be the charizard ex tin from paldea fate I recently opened (from pokemon center) the first pack contained an alt art palafin the third pack contained shiny pawniard and the fourth pack had a gold chi-yu ex the second and fifth pack no good pulls