I Devised Some Triple Battle Rules for the TCG

In a TCG Triple Battle, the layout is the same as in a TCG Rotation Battle except for the lack of a Rotation Marker.
Your opponent's Active Pokémon are called their Left Active, Central Active, and Right Active Pokémon. Each player's Left Active and Right Active Pokémon is named for each player's left and right hand respectively, meaning one player's Right Active Pokémon is directly across from the other player's Left Active Pokémon and vice versa.
Your Left Active Pokémon can only attack your opponent's Right Active or Central Active Pokémon, your Central Active Pokémon can attack any of your opponent's Active Pokémon, and your Right Active Pokémon can only attack your opponent's Left Active or Central Active Pokémon.
The prohibition on Bench Expansion and the Rotation Mulligan rule carry over from the Rotation Battle rules, except in this case it's called a Triple Mulligan.
What happens if you don't have three pokemon in your active spots? Do you lose?
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No, you just have to start with a minimum of three Active Pokémon and must replace any Active Pokémon that's knocked out with one of your Benched Pokémon if possible
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So if you can't replace an active pokemon, you just have two?
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Then how does anyone get a donk? If you only start with one pokemon, do you just pick a place for it to go? Can you play a pokemon you get in the future to your active spot immediately? What if you want to move around your active pokemon, so one can attack a different one of your opponent's? Can cards like Artazon and Nest ball that instruct to put the pokemon you find onto your bench put it in the active spot instead, if you've got an empty spot? Is a card like switch allowed to switch around your actives?
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Switch switches one of your Active Pokémon with one of your Benched Pokémon, and switching the slots of two of your Active Pokémon would require a chain of retreats.
If a card lets you put a Pokémon on your Bench, you put it on your Bench as long as you have room. If you don't have room, then you just can't use that card.
If you only have one Pokémon on your Bench to replace your Active Pokémon with and no current Active Pokémon, it becomes your new Center Active Pokémon.