Bug with avery
Hello, I noticed that when avery was used in a game previously, it was counting down on the opponents time rather than my own time. This continued until the end of the turn.
Battle pass quests
I've had an issue with a daily quest for the battle pass, the "play 4 v pokemon didn't complete". I played 4 games with this one active and it didn't give me any.
Converting back to PTCGO
Please can we get the option to convert back to PTCGO until live is in a bit more of a stable condition, I can't even get 5 games in a day. I've been playing a week on this Live version and I've made it to Battle pass 13. Don't get me wrong I can't be on 12/7 but on PTCGO I could get the games in whilst I had the time, as…
Exchanging Cards
Is it possible to have a feature where you can exchange the cards you don't want for some of the credits to use for cards you do want?? For example, I'm not too fussed on the cards looks, so a gold card, I would rather trade it in and use them credits to buy other cards.
Matchmaking waiting times.
Hi does anyone else have a similar issue, I have waited 30 mins before now and still no match. I must assume there are more people playing than just myself. This game drains battery life so I don't want to be hanging around getting 1 / 2 games per hour. If I'd of known it was like this I wouldn't of reverted from PTCGO.