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Converting back to PTCGO

Please can we get the option to convert back to PTCGO until live is in a bit more of a stable condition, I can't even get 5 games in a day. I've been playing a week on this Live version and I've made it to Battle pass 13. Don't get me wrong I can't be on 12/7 but on PTCGO I could get the games in whilst I had the time, as it stands I'm struggling for an hour waiting for a game.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    You're actually working way too fast if you got to 13 in a week. There are only 70 levels and then it stops. You'd be just as upset if you could play more games because you'd be done with the pass in 2-3 weeks and then upset about the lack of rewards.

  • NeptuneShaun
    NeptuneShaun Member Posts: 19
    5 Agrees First Answer 10 Comments

    Honestly, I can't see me hitting the top tier for the pass, the amount of games I get in a day is a joke, I can't get the points to accumulate on the pass. I can just about manage to get the challenges done for the day, that added up doesn't even equal half of the pass so really, you need 4 games (wins) to even get close to the top tier.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    You won't get to the top because you started 3 weeks before the end. You'll see for the next pass that you only need 1-2 games per day to finish it.

  • Nextdoorclose
    Nextdoorclose Member Posts: 2
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    I am also planning to return to PTCGO.

    Live is not stable. And some people use bug to win.

  • Asweetheart
    Asweetheart Member Posts: 8
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    Have you returned online successfully?

  • Asweetheart
    Asweetheart Member Posts: 8
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    Did you succeed, my friend?