Cancel Battle Glitch
I was going to battle, but then I remembered I wanted to adjust something in my deck. I pressed the Cancel button at the bottom of the screen, and went to my decks. When I went into the deck editor, the screen showing two players before battle popped up, and I was backwards (you could see my back). I don't know if that was…
Roaring Moon ex Frenzied Gouging Glitch
My opponent used Frenzied Gouging, and it started the 15 second timer. The first time they did it, it lasted until I attached an energy. For clarification, it started before my turn started. I had to wait until it allowed me to do something, and then rush before the timer ended. The second time they did it, it stopped…
Attack Glitch
My opponent did Buster Tail, and then it skipped my turn. The thing is, it hasn't skipped my turn in a month. They did Buster Tail, knocking me out, and taking my prize cards. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING???
Active Pokémon not working
Almost always, whenever my opponent knocks out my active Pokémon, the game chooses one of my benched for my active. Something about the elapsed timer ending I think
Something happened...
It was my turn. I was going to use an attack, but it asked me if I wanted to attach an energy card before I attacked. So I didn't attack, and when I was about to put an energy card down, it said I lost because "I was inactive for too long." I was active, and that is NOT FAIR. Will you please fix that?
Skips my turn and I lose
The game skipped my turn three times in a row and then said that lost since I was inactive for too long That was no fun to me and my clock is synchronized exactly to the second so don't ask me that Please fix this issue Once I played against someone who was inactive for too long; I don't know if it was the same glitch, but…
I am interested if the community prefers TCGO to TGCL.
Adding Collection Button
You need to go to deck manager to look at your cards. That is really weird and annoying. Please add!!!
Ends my turn when I don't press the button
This has happened to me many times, so please fix the issue: I draw a card for the beginning of my turn and it switches to my opponents turn. PLEASE FIX! I have lost many matches because of this