

  • I just had the same thing happen in my game. Where my opponent did 320 damage with just 3 types of basic energy (Double grass). It is stupid.
  • Thanks for the info. I really hope they will add them in the future. I find it weird they are just leaving out cards from official formats (E.g. the lycanroc). Even if they are not really played.
  • @TechHog @Edurandomnumber Yea for me personally it does not matter that much, and i am happy it just goes for quick matchmaking over correct matchmaking. Was meant more as a point for @CaMeRoN188893 that it now indeed can be hard to climb if you keep getting paired up against players that are alot higher rated. Especially…
  • First i would like to mention that the goal of the leagues should be to make sure you face players that have a similar skill level. If you are too low you will win alot and go higher. If you are too high you will lose alot of games and naturally fall back. If you win around 50% you are probably where you should be. To make…
  • I just had a similar issue where i was at 2090 and got dropped to 2020. I really wonder how they ever expect people to get to arceus league and get the rewards when i keep losing rating with this bug on top of all the people abusing the freeze / timeout issue forcing you to concede / lose those as well. Crazy to see how…
  • Yea not planning to migrate anytime soon. But i am looking to prepare my account for if the time ever comes. And given the fact that these cards will the virtually unattainable in TCG live i was just looking if i could possibly trade into some on PTCGO.
  • I just had a similar issue where i was at 2090 and got dropped to 2020. I really wonder how they ever expect people to get to arceus league and get the rewards when i keep losing rating with this bug on top of all the people abusing the freeze / timeout issue forcing you to concede / lose those as well. Crazy to see how…
  • Hey, i think it just looks this way, as the current interface is really clunky for different card types. The best way to check is this: Go to the deck editor Search for Lugia V And select it Click on available below the image. There it will show you how many you have of each version of the card. I know it is super weird,…
  • I experienced the same issue this morning.