Am I the only one enjoying this game
I must be the only person on this forum actually enjoying live. Had a scroll through and every post is someone whining about how much better the previous game was. The only thing I miss is tournaments which I'd imagine will come soon.
Codes are cheaper to buy, we can craft everything and not have to pay a ridiculous amount of packs for a playset of cards.
Yeah the game has issues but it's new. I havent had a single crash for maybe 3 weeks, no more lag and no more cards freezing on the screen.
And I have a budget mobile using regular 4G
I have the occasional issue, but even then it is mostly a visual glitch that does not effect the actual game play. People are more apt to post when they have a problem, so I image there are many people for whom the game is working reasonably well.
I do agree that the economy is significantly better than PTCGO, especially for a budget player.
The game does need to improve though. It seems to me that Pokemon has been too aggressive in rolling out the game: the Limited beta should have been an alpha, the Global beta should have been the Limited beta & the full release should have been the Global beta. But there has been progress, and I do think that the game will continue to improve.
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Imagine you:
invested in the legacy sets, now all those cards are gone;
or you only played Theme decks, now that format is gone;
or you played mostly expanded, now only half implemeted;
or you played standard with minimal bugs, now has countless bugs;
or enjoyed playing in game tournaments, now who knows if will have it again;
or you were a content creator, now you have to find alternative ways to simply display all the deck cards;
or you were used to have an acceptable game play experience, now you have to drag/drop in a generally tedious slow game play;
or you use to have a real in game card collection, now I don't even know what to call that thing we have;
Could go on and on... it's easy to understand why many people are not enjoying this game, imagine you were in multiple of those situations how would you feel.
The way to go is forward, but can't blame people for being like that, and just because they give us free decks, make it easier to have cards and "3 weeks without bugs" (lucky you) that is pretty low standards to enjoy a new game developed for more then 3 years that is part of the giant Pokémon franchise.
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Probably. They tried fixing something that wasn't broken.
I hate when companies try to tell their fans what they should enjoy. That is exactlywhat they are doing.