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How do I report offensive Pokémon designs?

CaptainCruch25 Member Posts: 2
Photogenic 5 LOLs
edited June 2023 in Pokémon Video Games #1

For example, Zekrom looks like an offensive hate group that I probably can’t specify, and there’s no way to talk to someone or get direct support with the company.


  • thr0ck
    thr0ck Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    You gotta be kidding me... obviously you need to report this card directly to the emperor king president of Earth (anybody lower and they won't have enough clout to do anything about it) . I'm positive that not only does he exist, but that he'll 100% do something about this unholy abomination of a card and once again, humanity will be free from Zekrom cards that kinda sorta but not really at all resemble "an offensive hate group that you probably can't specify..." because all he'll have to do is literally nothing and *POOF* the "problem' is solved. Are there any other pertinent questions you have that might actually matter when it comes to any part of the TCG Live game or game play? No? Good. You can go back home now.

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