why is pokemon TCG online removed ?

pokemon TCG online was working well and having a great trading system, working well, being nice and now we have this glitched thing that kill my eyes everytime I try to do anything cause of the flashes that are everywhere and crash every time.
I can't look at shop without crash, I can't launch a game without crash, I can't get my gifts without crash, why is this game crashing more in 2 minutes launched than ark survival 9h straight in full graphic quality and ray tracing ?
and also has a non epelyleptic player my eyes flinch everytime I have to open boosters cause of the big flashes beetween all cards, why closing a game that work and have players on it to put a beta game that is not working, crash even in the menu, doing maintenances every days and put 10% of the world can't playing the game cause of the flashes ?
bugs/fix to do :
crash every time I clic on anything
doing too much flashes and effects
in game have many bugs
can't import decks cause it don't understand the cards
and probably many things I forget to write