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Gardevoir ex's ability "Psychic Embrace" not working on a Pokemon with a tool card attached

Simply as the title states, Gardevoir ex was unable to use its ability on a pokemon with a tool card attached, therefore being unable to attach any energy from the discard. Any of the other pokemon in play were valid.

Unless there is a change to ruling or the move description?


  • 966473
    966473 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I‘ve been having a different problem, I was able to attach energies to my benched Drifloon with a Tool attached just fine, but I was unable to attach any to my active Drifloon without a tool attached.

  • Mod_Champion
    Mod_Champion Moderator Posts: 143 ✭✭
    25 LOLs Second Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer

    Hello Trainer el_creamo,

    Thank you for your report. I recommend you open a ticket for this issue with the support team. To do so, visit support.pokemon.com then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us".

  • el_creamo
    el_creamo Member Posts: 5
    Name Dropper First Comment 5 Agrees

    Thank you for the tip! I was searching for a method to report these kinds of bugs, but the closest I found were these forums. So I'll be sure to submit a ticket for anything I find!