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Genesect V ability "Fusion Strike System" doesn't work

Genesect V's ability "Fusion Strike System" doesn't work properly - it does work sporadically, but it doesn't work consistently. This effectively makes it's use a gamble. Please fix, if possible


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    There are many cards which can turn off your abilities. Was Path to the Peak in play? Or the new Spiritomb from Paldea Evolved? Maybe Klefki from SV was in the active? Or were you maybe up against Ting-Lu ex?

    Also remember that each Genesect V can only use it once per turn, you need to have fewer cards in hand than you have Fusion Strike Pokémon in play, and there's a bug where sometimes cards won't glow even if they can be used.

  • Tehprotector
    Tehprotector Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    Also if Ting-Lu is in the Active spot and your Genesects have any dmg counters they will disable your Genesect ability.

  • SBR-Crash
    SBR-Crash Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments 5 LOLs Name Dropper

    Before the newest expansion dropped I played mew vmax for 200+ games and it works fine you just didn't read something