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Waited 20 minutes for a match to time out and it didn't.

Turns out that I got bad-mannered by another player and the game didn't time out their turn. I waited 20 minutes and found out the timer will just flash red at 00:00 a while until you concede. I would have conceded immediately had I known that.

Why is this even possible? How do I complain to the right people to get this fixed? I'd complain about the win and being compensated for time, but I'll probably just steer clear of this game if they let bugs like that through. Horrendous UX.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    So the game has been bugged since last year, but it's not the timer that's broken. The game is extremely sensitive to connection drops, but rarely actually detects them. This leads to desycs and silent disconnects, which makes it appear that the game is still going but in reality you're no longer connected and your opponent is waiting to be awarded a win for inactivity.

    In other words, the connection between you and the server dropped. There's a 45 second action timer. If your opponent seems to go over that, you've already lost. Just close your client.

  • _Cactar_
    _Cactar_ Member Posts: 2
    Name Dropper First Comment

    There needs to be a "disconnected" warning and an option to reconnect if this happens.