How to solve "No valid cards" bug on PC

I think I've found out the reason behind "no valid cards" bug and how to solve it.
If you use a deck searching card (Net Ball, Battle VIP Pass, etc) and see no valid options (even though there are) this is because of bugged cards in the deck. If you have them in the deck when you search it, this bug will occur. If these cards are prized or in your hand when you search your deck, this bug will not occur.
What cards are bugged exactly? I don't know if this list is persistent between players, but I've identified CRZ Trekking Shoes, Sky Seal Stone and old Energy Retrievals. There are more, but these are confirmed, for me at least.
How to identify bugged cards on your own? On the following turn after the bug deck searches will work normally, however, bugged cards will be blacked out and can't be picked. Replace them after the game and see if bug persists or not.
Any additional info on how to solve this bug is appreciated. Hope this helps.