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Bug Duraludon Vmax,Inteleon Vmax,Rapid strike Urshifu Vmax

Stadium:Tower of water

Inteleon Vmax&Rapid strike Urshifu Vmax can do damage to Duraludon Vmax with rapid strike energy


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Did the Inteleon/Urshifu player used the item card Canceling Cologne?

    *When you use Canceling Cologne until the end of your turn, your opponent’s Active Pokémon has no Abilities.

  • coladavis
    coladavis Member Posts: 5
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    There are no path of peak and canceling cologne.Change Duraludon to Giratina because of the bug😥

  • coladavis
    coladavis Member Posts: 5
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  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    In current Standard Format if the Tower of water stadium was in play and they didn't use Canceling Cologne with Rapid Strike Energy attached Rapid Strike Urshifu Vmax shouldn't be able to damage Duraludon VMax with their both attacks. The Rapid Strike Inteleon Vmax can put damages counters on benched Duraludon but shouldn't be able to damage it with its attack either.

    Maybe the bug is related to the discard/put in hand of the special energy after the attack... but it shouldn't do any damage to Duraludon because the energy is discarded/put in hand after dealing the damage 🤣 but that may be the bug since both Pokémon you refer can get rid of the special energy... maybe TCG Live counts first the discard/put in hand then the damage 😅 that is wrong and a bug... just a wild guess.

    Anyway if you can replicate the problem the best it's to open a ticket in the support portal so they investigate further and fix it.

  • coladavis
    coladavis Member Posts: 5
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    Testing with two accounts.I think you are right when I choose return energy to hand Rapid Strike Inteleon Vmax do 140 damage to Duraludon VMax. Find videos on youtube in PTCGO Rapid Strike Inteleon Vmax can't do damage to Duraludon VMax with G-Max Spiral.Not sure which one is actually correct.I think I confused Rapid Strike Inteleon Vmax with Rapid Strike Urshifu Vmax,it do 0 damage to Duraludon VMax with special energy.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Ok I see, if what you say is correct TCG Live is the wrong one, it's a bug. And can be used as an exploit.

    Rapid Strike Inteleon Vmax "G-Max Spiral" attack first apply the damage then puts the Special Energy in your hand, the order of this actions is important so it shouldn't damage Duraludon VMax.

    There are Pokémon like Alolan Raichu with Speed Energy attached or a Starmie with Wash Energy attached, that if use their "Electro Rain" or "Multishot Star" attacks and discard those Special Energy cards it gets through Duraludon VMAX's "Skyscraper" Ability since for those particular attacks the discard happens first and THEN damage is applied, as long as there are no other Special Energy cards attached to Alolan Raichu or Starmie the damage would not be blocked by "Skyscraper".